How to Prevent Pregnancy Constipation: A Guide to Managing Your Bowels

Pregnancy_Constipation_cartoon_style, Prevent Pregnancy

Did you know that if you are suffering from constipation, there is a high likelihood of you becoming pregnant? Yes, this is because the hormonal changes in your body as a result of constipation can also lead to an increase in the risk of getting pregnant. Why? Because a woman’s menstrual cycle is directly linked to her bowel movements. And as we all know, when our bowels are not functioning properly, it leads to an accumulation of stool in the colon and hence, an increase in the risk of pregnancy. There are so many women who remain paranoid about getting pregnant due to their condition. But there is no need for you to sweat about it; let us get straight into how you can prevent pregnancy if you are dealing with constipation.

What Constipation Means?

Constipation is an uncomfortable condition where a person has fewer bowel movements than normal. When you have less than three bowel movements per week or fewer than one bowel movement per day, it is typically considered constipation. If you have a bowel movement once every three weeks, you are likely to experience a buildup of waste in your intestines. This can cause discomfort, bloating and cramping. It can also lead to additional health problems when left untreated. The main reasons behind constipation are dehydration, poor diet, lack of physical activity, chronic diseases such as diabetes, Hormonal imbalance, and medications such as painkillers and antidepressants.

Tips to Prevent Pregnancy Due to Constipation

– Always Maintain A Healthy Diet: A healthy diet with lots of fibre is essential to keep your bowels healthy, and it can even prevent pregnancy. Fibre is excellent for keeping your bowels healthy, so add lots of fibre-rich foods to your diet such as nuts, seeds, legumes, fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. – Stay Hydrated: Dehydration is one of the most common reasons for constipation. So, staying hydrated is essential for keeping your bowel movements normal. Try adding a few more glasses of water in your daily routine, and you can also try adding a slice of lemon to boost the effects. – Add Some Herbs in Your Diet: There are various herbs that can help treat constipation. You can try adding cumin, fennel, coriander, and turmeric in your diet. These herbs are excellent for boosting your digestion, and they can help treat constipation when consumed regularly. – Stay Active: Physical activity is excellent for boosting the function of your bowels, and it can prevent pregnancy. – Avoid Dairy Products: Dairy products can lead to constipation, so try avoiding them during your period. – Avoid Staying Indoors: Make sure you are exposed to natural light every day, and avoid staying indoors as much as possible. – Sleep Well: Getting enough sleep every night is essential for boosting your immunity, and it can help treat constipation.

Managing constipation during ovulation

As we have discussed above, birth control pills are good for treating constipation. In fact, the hormone present in birth control pills is excellent for stimulating the movement of your bowels. So, if you are experiencing constipation during ovulation, you can try taking birth control pills to prevent pregnancy. If your partner is suffering from constipation, you can try oral rehydration solution, which is also a great home remedy for curing constipation. Another way to get relief from constipation during ovulation is by making a sitz bath. You can also try eating more fibre-rich foods, and make sure to drink lots of water every day.

Managing Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Women who are experiencing constipation due to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) are susceptible to an increased risk of pregnancy during their menstrual cycle due to the hormonal changes in their body. You can try consuming probiotics and prebiotics to boost the amount of good bacteria in your body, which can help treat constipation due to IBS. You can also try avoiding processed foods, caffeine, and dairy products. You must also drink plenty of water, and make sure to include fibre-rich foods in your diet. Taking medication is not a good idea if you are experiencing constipation due to IBS because it can harm your unborn child. You can try taking herbs, acupuncture, and yoga to treat constipation due to IBS.

Managing Crohn’s Disease

If you are diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, you must be aware of the fact that you are susceptible to an increased risk of pregnancy due to the hormonal changes in your body during your menstrual cycle. If you are experiencing constipation due to Crohn’s disease, you can try taking fibre supplements, probiotics, and eating more fibre-rich foods. You can also try adding a few herbal remedies to your diet such as turmeric, fennel, and coriander. You must also drink plenty of water to prevent constipation. You can also try taking medication as prescribed by your physician to treat constipation.

Managing Constipation Due to Medication or Illness

If you are experiencing constipation due to medication or illness, you must try adjusting your medication or changing your diet. You can also try taking medication prescribed by your physician. You must make sure to consume plenty of water and fibre-rich foods to prevent constipation. You can also try taking probiotics to treat constipation.

How to prevent pregnancy through constipation treatment?

As we have discussed above, there are various ways to treat constipation and prevent pregnancy. So, you can try any of these methods to prevent pregnancy. You can also try incorporating more fibre in your daily routine to treat constipation and prevent pregnancy. You can also try changing your diet, increasing your water intake, and keeping yourself active to prevent pregnancy.

So, Why Is Constipation A Risk Factor For Pregnancy?

As we have discussed above, women who are experiencing constipation due to any medical condition or illness are at an increased risk of pregnancy. One of the reasons behind this is that hormonal changes in the body due to constipation can lead to an increase in the level of progesterone in a woman’s body. The higher the progesterone level, the higher is the risk of pregnancy. There are some other factors that can lead to an increased risk of pregnancy when a woman is facing constipation. These factors include the presence of more oestrogen and less progesterone in the body, poor blood circulation in the pelvic region, poor bowel movements, and stress.


Constipation can cause a lot of discomfort and pain, and it can be really embarrassing if you are suffering from constipation. So, make sure to incorporate enough fibre in your diet to prevent constipation and stay healthy. If you are experiencing constipation, you must also make sure to drink lots of water, exercise, and keep yourself stress-free to prevent constipation and stay healthy. Having irregular bowel movements can be extremely uncomfortable and annoying. Luckily, there are plenty of things you can do to prevent constipation and make sure you have regular bowel movements. From eating a healthy diet to staying hydrated, there are many different tips you can use to make sure your bowels stay healthy.